Wednesday, April 3, 2024

What is a Church?

What is a church? By, Henry Kroll When I type ‘what is a church’ into Google I get hundreds of pages talking about the duties of a church and various hierarchies of church members like deacons etc. They go on and on about the various functions of the church like, feeding the poor, giving clothing and shelter to the homeless etc. All good stuff! Some nations ban religions and some religious groups’ want all the glory and the money. As a result they burn churches and persecute people. In this country religions are banned in government buildings like public schools and court houses because we have what is called the 'separation of church and state'. I think it was Jesus who said: “A church is when two or more people gather together in the name of the lord.” In other words a church is not a building. It is a meeting of like-minded people. The meeting can be held under a tree or anyplace or wherever you decide. You don’t need a million-dollar building to impress the locals to have a church.
The First Amendment of our constitution guarantees the freedom of religion. You do not have to form a corporation to be a church. The government would like you to get a 501-C3 non-profit corporation so that the IRS can keep track of any money that changes hands. If you get a non-profit corporation you are automatically under the control of the government and that is a violation of your First Amendment rights. Our Constitution also gives us the right to peacefully assemble and discuss any topic that benefits our general welfare. The First Amendment of our constitution also gives us the right to petition the government for redress of grievance. Donald Trump said, "We have to get back to the old time religion.” I have over 3000 books dedicated to the enlightenment of humanity. We accept anyone who is in need of fellowship and would like to discuss almost any topic except racism or bringing harm to others. I have a Universal Life certificate that encompasses all religions. I write books to make the world a better place. We are not a 501-C3 corporation. We meet every Sunday afternoon in the library at mile 105 on the Sterling Highway Heavy Down Drive. We have free coffee, cookies and free books. For assistance call: 907-740-0386.