Sunday, February 4, 2024


EARTH LOOSING OXYGEN The oxygen content of the atmosphere on Earth at the time of Moses was close to 30%. At that time burning bushes were not all that uncommon. Now the Earth’s oxygen atmosphere is about 20%. The alarming part of all this is we have Senators and Representatives holding meeting and legislative sessions in two-hundred-year-old buildings breathing 12 to 15% oxygen atmosphere while making important decisions about your future. They are making decisions like; whether or not we should go to war with Russia and china at the same time. Or how much debt they can run up without destroying the country or whether or not they should cut your Social Security payment. Over half the oxygen producing phytoplankton in the oceans is missing and three-quarters of the oxygen-producing rain forests in South America have been cut down and burned to make charcoal. The Continent of Africa used to be covered with forests and grass lands. After two thousand years of humans tending goats and sheep it is mostly desert.
Recent trends with little or no rain in the North American Hemisphere have caused massive forest fires in Canada and Russia. The air quality in New York City last year was so bad that people were leaving the city. The state of California has huge forest fires every year. Nine years ago the Promise Land fire destroyed thousands of homes and killed hundreds of people in their cars while trying to escape the blaze. Eight years ago here in Alaska the Funny River fire caused us to leave our home. Fortunately the fire stopped in the swamp below us. That fire consumed 500-square miles of trees that could have been used to build houses or made into OSB. We’re not allowed to cut any of those trees because they are on Federal land. The Federal Forest Service watches over the forests for decades until one of them accidently sets it on fire while burning brush. The government even gives them a helicopter so they can fly around and stare at the trees and stop people from cutting firewood.
Three years ago we had the Swan Lake fire that consumed another 500-square miles of forest. The Kenai Peninsula Borough and Alaska State authorities were helpless to stop it. They stood around and watched it burn. After a week or so they asked Canada for help. They brought in smoke jumpers, helicopters and huge tanker aircraft that dropped millions of gallons of fire retardant laced with fertilizer on the flames. We were concerned about what the fertilizer would to the Kenai River salmon runs as Swan Lake and Skilak Lake are red salmon spawning areas. The Swan Lake fire burned so hot it consumed the top soil in large areas so that heavy fall rains would dump millions of tons of mud into the lakes and tributaries of the Kenai River. The air quality in Sterling and Soldotna Alaska was so bad it destroyed the tourist season. People trying to harvest the salmon had to leave the area and anybody living here suffered from repertory illness. At the same time there were too many fires in northern Alaska to mention. The smoke and dry air caused by the fires causes more lightning strikes thereby igniting more and more fires. Last summer and the summer before last there air quality over most of Alaska was really bad due to massive fires in Siberia. Those fires released so much smoke that it circled the globe. Reducing carbon dioxide by restricting humans from burning oil and coal is not the answer. Carbon Dioxide is necessary to keep the planet green. Plants need carbon dioxide to grow and in the process release oxygen into the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is composed of two oxygen atoms and one carbon atom represented by the chemistry symbol Co2. At the present time carbon dioxide content of our atmosphere is a trace gas of .04%. In other words Co2 is less than one percent of our atmosphere and we need it to grow food. All animals on the planet have to eat and the planet doesn’t produce food then everything will die. The government and environmental groups always talk about Co2 emissions in parts per million that nobody can understand. It’s all disinformation for societal manipulation to control the population. They want to restrict your travel, have fewer children and live in a small house or high-rise apartment building. Certain globalists like George Soros and others want to re-wild the Earth. The One World Government freaks would kill off 90% of us to get power and control over the whole Earth. Right now we have a little guy in Russia who wants to take back all of Europe and Alaska. He is saying that the sale of Alaska to the United States that occurred two hundred years ago was bogus. He’s willing to kill hundreds of thousands of Russian soldiers to get what he wants and we have such a weak administration that they might let him do it. Whenever wars break out they consume much more oil and gas than the civilian populations. If governments were really concerned about carbon dioxide release into the atmosphere they wouldn’t have wars. Whenever a war is going on you don’t hear a peep from the so-called environmental organizations. All they are concerned with is telling you how to live your life by driving an electric car that doesn’t work in cold weather. They want you to live in a smaller house or apartment and restrict your travel. They promote the Chicken Little syndrome to make you believe the world is coming to an end so that you will donate money to their cause.
It’s all about money folks. The world will not end because of human occupation. A more likely end time scenario will be nuclear Armageddon, a massive meteor strike or coronal mass ejection from the sun. We also have the massive star Betelgeuse 800 times bigger than our sun that could go neutron at any moment destroying part of Earth’s atmosphere. Then there is Sirius B eight light years distant nearing the Chandrasekhar Limit of 1.5 solar masses going neutron wiping out solar systems within a radius of 60 light years. If you see a big flash of light that will be it.

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