Entanglement and life extension
I wrote Philosophers Stone about the white-powder-of-gold more than
twenty years ago. Combined atoms sharing all the protons in a nucleus that is
ten times large than an atom make it possible for the mitochondria within each
of your human cells to transmute them into any element necessary for complete
cell division. Protons are like little magnets of the same polarity so they
push apart making the weak force weaker making it possible to remove protons
with magnetic frequency which our science is totally up on. It’s called
transmutation of elements which our present level of science says is impossible
however our bodies do it at the rate of 6 to 8-million body cells a second to
keep up with the aging process which is cell loss.
The cell replication rate can be sped up of the mitochondria are fed
the proper nutrients such as the Philosophers Stone also known today as ORMUS
(orbitally rearranged monatomic elements)… Mitochondria are like little factories
with their own DNA. They actually produce ATP—the same energy carrier used in plants
during photosynthesis. Your cell reproduction rate is based on the number of
base pairs per turn of DNA. When you are conceived in the womb you have 50 base
pairs per turn of DNA and the cells divide very quickly. At birth you have 25
base pairs per turn and at age 20 you have only 20 base pairs per turn. From
then on you star loosing body cells which is aging. At age fifty you have only
5 base pairs per turn and it’s all downhill from there.
There is another option to speed up cell division and rebuild the telomeres
and that is to feed the mitochondria the proper nutrients via your blood stream.
I put six recipes into the book that were developed by Pfizer Pharmaceutical
back in the 1970’s. The recipes are based on boiling source items in alkaline
solutions that is the same process that plants use to take their nutrients out
of the soil. It’s not rocket science but the government doesn’t want you to
know this because you might live too long and use up all your Social Security.
They want you to die so they can keep what you paid in over your life time…
When Moses came down from the mountain in Exodus his own brother was
involved in creating a golden calf. Moses was pushing monotheism at the time
and in a fit of anger killed a number of his cult. He told his metal smith, Bazaliel
to burn the golden calf into the white powder and throw it in the stream and
make the Hebrew children drink thereof. It is obvious that the technology of
using burnt gold or ORMUS for longevity and enhanced brain function was used
for thousands of years.
The Arks of the Covenant was a Faraday cages designed with insulated
wood and layers of metal designed to exclude magnetic fields. It was their
mineral food repository. It didn’t have Ten Commandments carved in stone
inside. If you were fed the ORMES taken from the soil using the alkaline spring
water by boiling it five days you made the Manna. Or you used the white powder burnt
gold using the electric arc to burn the gold into the white powder. Unless you
were really stupid you already knew the Ten Commandments because the food you
ate enhanced brain function.
Meanwhile our modern society keeps eating food grown on the same soil
for 200 years that is completely devoid of trace minerals and frying it in fluoride
covered cook ware known as Teflon ©. After they are done eating they brush their
teeth with fluoride toothpaste and rinse with fluoride mouthwash and drink
fluoride city water. Keep watching that television and listening to CNN. Everything
is just fine!
To write Philosophers Stone I had to start thinking in multiple dimensions.
You see the ORUS or ORMES combined atoms the electrons pair up and rotate
around the nucleus further out – about 1000 Fermi’s opposite directions known
as Cooper Pairing. If you could see one, they would look like miniature galaxies.
Their physical shape make the repel magnetic fields. Know this you can take
them out of well water and other ORME rich solutions by placing little magnets
above sumps. You can drain the water out of the bottom of the sum and use it to
water you plants and they will grow twice as fast. Barry Carter’s web site has
example of this. My web sites is: www.GuardDogBooks.com You can read more of this on my site.
Electrons don’t make complete orbits around atoms yet somehow they are
able to hold everything together that we perceive to be solid. Electrons are
particles one microsecond and dimensional waves the next. They dip in and out
of hyperspace and because they are traveling light speed they have infinite
mass but they don’t exist in our space time all the time. Their lifetime is almost
infinite. This is also the case with photons that NASA says have a mass of -66
grams. They also say there are 1-e 100 photons per atom in the universe. If you
multiply these two numbers together by subtracting 66 from 100 you get the mass
of photons per atom which is 1 e -34 grams – more mass that our solar system
that is 2.0 e30?
The human body exists in a multidimensional entangled state. We can
exist in any time or space at will but are not aware of our ability.
So I am getting into quantum computing. One of my new projects. It is
cool. Learning a couple of the quantum computing languages including MS's Q#
(q-sharp). One of the most intriguing parts of quantum computing is the nature
of the quantum effects. I have been aware of, and studying reality at that
level for many decades....even before quantum computing was a circulating
thought. Comes from the woo-woo perspective...you know, UFO's, space aliens,
all that.
Anyway, a really cool part of the whole quantum effect is this thing we
call 'entanglement'. This is when you get two particles to be in the same state
of condition (i.e. both 'hot', or 'cold'). Once accomplished, what you do to
one particle instantly, that is, NO time involved, occurs to the other
particle. So, we make particle A = 'hot', and particle B = 'hot', then we
separate them by say a few galaxys distance, and turn particle A = 'cold'. Of a
necessity, particle B turns 'cold' instantly with particle A, no matter how far
apart they may be. And entanglement never goes away.
Make sense?
So this is how one builds a 'quantum internet'....with no wires, no
bandwidth limits, and so fast your brain cannot see any time being used up.
WOW! Base it on entangled q-chips, and bobs-your-uncle, the q-net is born. And
it works anywhere, at all times, with no costs in transmission in either time
or apparent energy inputs!
But that is not all. In fact, it is barely the beginning.
You see, here is the thing. All particles are entangled, at all
different kinds of levels, and we need not go down that quantum rabbit hole,
rather, the point is to think bigger....to think like 'history'....like first
galactic history, then universe history. Since all entanglements ever created
are still in existence, the quantum output of even ancient civilizations is
still 'circulating', waiting for you to discover it.
The thinking here is that first, since entanglement never goes away, it
occurs that ANY civilization that EVER reached the quantum computing stage of
evolution, has left their mark on reality, and we can find it! Those
entanglements still exist.
Yes, that is correct, any ancient or modern, space alien civilization
that is quantum computing based, is able to be accessed. All we have to do is
to build a quantum universe net router, tie it to a new quantum PC and all that
is left is to write the software to decode the 'quantum packets'.
We will have to figure out the indexing schemes, find the translation
software, and so on, but there you go...connected to universal civilization by
your PC.
Of course there are 3d printer plans by the zillions upon zillions out
there, just waiting to be downloaded. Art, and performance, thought of all
kinds just floating around waiting to be examined. First up, perhaps we should
look for 'replicator' plans, and other cool machinery. Eh? Universe Speaks,
Universe Provides! www.GuardDogBooks.com
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