Monday, February 11, 2013


The United States
Constitutional Free-Zone

By Jim Kirwan

The United States Constitution no longer protects
The entire nation.
The USA is now at war with the government that threw out
The validity of the U. S. Constitution,
As a threat to the national security of the United States.
The major cities impacted by this new ruling include everyone in the following cities:
Anchorage, Juno, Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, Salem, Eugene Medford, Eureka, Redding, Sacramento, Stockton, San Francisco, San Jose, Salinas, Fresno, Bakersfield, Oxnard, Los Angeles, Long Beach,
(Except for the Port of Long Beach that belongs to Red China)*
Riverside, Oceanside, San Diego, Honolulu, Hilo, Yuma, Tucson, Serra Vista, Los Cruces, El Paso, Alpine, Del Rio, Laredo, San Antonia, McAllen, Brownsville, Corpus Christi, Victoria, Houston, Beaumont, Lafayette, Baton Rouge, New Orleans, Mobil, Duluth, Tallahassee, Tampa, St. Petersburg, Cape Coral, Miami,
Ft. Lauderdale, West Palm Beach, Palm Bay, Orlando, Gainesville, Jacksonville, Valdosta, Savannah, Augusta, Charleston, Columbia, Wilmington, Fayetteville, Raleigh, Greenville, Virginia Beach, Lynchburg, Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Richmond, Washington D.C. Dover, Baltimore, Philadelphia,
New York, Allentown, Bridgeport, Hartford, Providence, Boston, Manchester, Portland, Bangor, Syracuse, Rochester, Buffalo, Erie, Cleveland, Akron, Pittsburg, Columbus, Toledo, Detroit, Traverse City, Grand Rapids, Fort Wayne, Chicago, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, Green Bay, Marquette, Duluth, Grand Forks, Minot, Glasgow, Havre, Shelby, Spokane.
Without the Constitution there is no law.
Welcome back to the Wild, Wild West!
So what’s this all about?

According to this breaking story from Wired, the Department of Homeland Security's 'Watchdog' has given the OK for the 'suspicionless' seizure of electronic devices along the borders of America. According to the map above from the ACLU, this includes a 100 mile perimeter along the entire border of the United States of America. First, read this from Wired then take a look at the ACLU map. Are you living in the 'no longer free' zone? If so, join the crowd. Hundreds of millions of Americans, 2 out of every 3 of us, live within this new 'Constitution-free' zone where our 4th Amendment no longer applies. This includes most people living along both the East and West coasts of the country, the entire states of Florida, Michigan and Hawaii and most of the states of California, New York, Virginia, Maryland, Massachusetts, Louisiana and more. Much more.

The Department of Homeland Security’s civil rights watchdog has concluded that travelers along the nation’s borders may have their electronics seized and the contents of those devices examined for any reason whatsoever — all in the name of national security.

The DHS, which secures the nation’s border, in 2009 announced that it would conduct a “Civil Liberties Impact Assessment” of its suspicionless search-and-seizure policy pertaining to electronic devices “within 120 days.” More than three years later, the DHS office of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties published a two-page executive summary of its findings.

We also conclude that imposing a requirement that officers have reasonable suspicion in order to conduct a border search of an electronic device would be operationally harmful without concomitant civil rights/civil liberties benefits,” the executive summary said. (1)

DHS Okays Suspicionless Seizures of Electronic Devices

The Department of Homeland Security’s civil rights watchdog has concluded that travelers along the nation’s borders may have their electronics seized and the contents of those devices examined for any reason whatsoever — all in the name of national security.
The DHS, which secures the nation’s border, in 2009 announced that it would conduct a “Civil Liberties Impact Assessment” of its suspicionless search-and-seizure policy pertaining to electronic devices “within 120 days.” More than three years later, the DHS office of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties published a two-page executive summary of its findings.
We also conclude that imposing a requirement that officers have reasonable suspicion in order to conduct a border search of an electronic device would be operationally harmful without concomitant civil rights/civil liberties benefits,” the executive summary said.
The memo highlights the friction between today’s reality that electronic devices have become virtual extensions of ourselves housing everything from e-mail to instant-message chats to photos and our papers and effects — juxtaposed against the government’s stated quest for national security.
The President George W. Bush administration first announced the suspicionless, electronics search rules in 2008. The President Barack Obama administration followed up with virtually the same rules a year later. Between 2008 and 2010, 6,500 persons had their electronic devices searched along the U.S. border, according to DHS data.
According to legal precedent, the Fourth Amendment — the right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures — does not apply along the border. By the way, the government contends the Fourth-Amendment-Free Zone stretches 100 miles inland from the nation’s actual border.
k) All of these supposed ‘powers’ were delegated to the government by the self-same government without asking or consulting any outside individuals, congress or the courts. They have become a law unto themselves.
Civil rights groups like the American Civil Liberties Union suggest that “reasonable suspicion” should be the rule, at a minimum, despite that being a lower standard than required by the Fourth Amendment…
The DHS watchdog’s conclusion isn’t surprising, as the DHS is taking that position in litigation in which the ACLU is challenging the suspicionless, electronic-device searches and seizures along the nation’s borders. But that conclusion nevertheless is alarming considering it came from the DHS civil rights watchdog, which maintains its mission is “promoting respect for civil rights and civil liberties.”
This is a civil liberties watchdog office. If it is doing its job properly, it is supposed to objectively evaluate. It has the power to recommend safeguards to safeguard Americans’ rights,” Crump said. “The office has not done that and the public has the right to know why.”
Toward that goal, the ACLU on Friday filed a Freedom of Information Act request demanding to see the full report that the executive summary discusses.” (2)
This outrage will come as a complete surprise to many, but for those who have been quietly waiting for this outlaw government to go too far—which with this edict they clearly did. There is now an entirely new asymmetrical conflict that will begin almost immediately between the traitors that have seized the nation and the people who live here.
There are so many component parts to this that it staggers the mind. But however this goes down—it will signal the abrupt end of the current-government of this place. What happened to Russia in the early 90’s will make itself felt here almost immediately: just as soon as the depth of the real international-monetary-collapse sets in. The international black-market who usually controls about 20% of the world’s commerce, will shoot upwards in prominence along with the skyrocketing prices that will come as the result of the financial-crash in April. This will also open the door to gang activity that has remained like a massive shadow-government behind the current alliance, between the privatized-prison-system and the corrupted corporations that hire the slave-labor. All of this depends upon the efficiency of the gangs to not only function, but to take advantage of the lawless new-world-order in the disunited states.
Once the thug-mentality of DHS begins to believe that they have the power to do this—there will almost immediately be a clash between those in the militias and those in the outlying landscape, who will come-together to take out these creatures without a country—brutally.
The gangs will also have a stake in this new overreach by the feds. The chaos which this half-baked government program will create will be the perfect cover for what will really begin to happen throughout the country.
The gangs’-numbers have been steadily growing, along with their many businesses. This will massively interfere with all of that. Moreover, there will appear another group that has remained silent until now. That would be the determined Gun Owners of America. These marksmen can and will shoot-first when they’re ready, and not before. Most of this will take the government by complete surprise, because until now they have believed that they can do whatever-the-hell they want, to us, and there is “nothing” that the public will ever do to resist them. This was their second major mistake.
Then there are the deeply entrenched corruptions throughout the entire criminal-system which this whole country has turned into. A prime example of this is the mini-drama in L.A. concerning the ages old corruptions of the LAPD and Ramparts Division. All those corrupted police-officials and a huge part of the police department as well are in this up to their eyes. None of that has ever been dealt with. Bare in mind LA is only one such place. Think Chicago, New York City and Miami to name a few. They all have very similar problems which are also decades old and they too are deeply entrenched.
Once the restraints of having a Constitutional Republic are gone—then anything and everything goes right along with it. Blood will be plentiful and cheap. The first wave of victims will most likely be the government’s amateur-warriors that will be no match for the ex-military, militias or the gangs themselves. By the way despite the puppeteer’s promises of a second military force even bigger than the current U.S. Military: This has not materialized. The current military takes more than half the budget as it is. If we are going to create another military even bigger than the one we have already ­ then there will be no money for anything else. The government has purchased a huge number of bullets and some weapons but they haven’t even remotely staffed their new civilian military. It becomes very difficult to find anyone that has actually been hired for the fascist civilian military.
The mistake that is most noticeable in all of this is that the feds are attacking people that have NOTHING LEFT TO LOSE. This will end the nightmare along with the global-thievery in the banks worldwide. As the owners begin to disappear, while the sharks begin to eat each-other, the entire world will shift. The starving public will only get more intense as this senseless-outrage only deepens.
There is no way that this bunch of amateur-criminals will be able to survive because none of them know anything about what they will have started, with this massively-illegal DECLARATION of WAR.
Oh, and there is this oft-forgotten truth that will also crash & burn within the new CONSTITUTIONAL-FREE-ZONE.
““Tell me, do the evil men of this world have a bad time? They hunt and catch whatever they feel like eating. They don’t suffer from indigestion and are not punished by Heaven. I want Israel to join that club. Maybe the world will then at last begin to fear us instead of feeling sorry. Maybe they will start to tremble, to fear our madness instead of admiring our nobility. Let them tremble; let them call us a mad state. Let them understand that we are a savage country, dangerous to our surroundings, not normal, that we might go wild, that we might start World War Three just like that, or that we might one day go crazy and burn all the oil fields in the Middle East. Personally, I don’t want to be any better than Harry Truman who snuffed out half a million Japanese with two fine bombs.”
Former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, 1982…
Likewise, today there are millions of instances where innocent people are having their livers (and just about everything else their maker saw fit to give them) ripped out of them and carved up in satisfying this peculiar cult’s ‘call of the wild’ and no one gets called to the principal’s office over it. One need look no further than what’s been done to the people of Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan and everywhere else that’s become the great buffet table of Israel’s blood feast as proof that what mass murderer Stalin said was right—
One death is a tragedy, one million deaths is a statistic.”
And those responsible for all this devouring and digesting of innocent people in the various countries destroyed for Israel’s benefit­individuals with names such as Perle, Wolfowitz, Abrams, Podhoretz, Kristol et al—do they feature as characters like Lecter in Silence of the Lambs, meaning recognized as the menace to society they are and put behind strong, steely bars?
Heaven forbid. They’re as free and unstoppable as some biblical hurricane sent by some angry god who really wants a lot of people to die for reasons inexplicable to the rest of the sane world. And showing that indeed they are the remorseless, Lecteresque gluttons for human flesh and its accompanying suffering that they are, after having finished a meal such as Iraq, Gaza, Libya, or wherever, they simply belch out loud, wipe the corners of their mouths, toss the napkin on the table and walk away from it all, thinking of nothing more than who their next meal is going to be.” (3)
Israel will fail in this bloodbath, as well, because we will be far too busy trying to keep the chaos confined to bother with whatever-the-hell these blasphemous creatures will have gotten up to. An Israel without the corrupted USI supporting them will crumble like chaff in a hurricane, and maybe then the world will be able to relax for a change…
What about YOU?
How will your life change once there is no longer “any freedom for 2 out of every 3 of us”? Your money will be gone, your freedom will soon be under-siege and since you have no rights your idiotic life will be almost worthless.
All you had to do was take the RESPONSIBITY that you ran away from, constantly. But for too many, that was way too-much-trouble and international-tyranny is the result. You were WARNED, repeatedly, but then of course those who refuse to learn from the past will always repeat the whole long sad-litany that could have been avoided…

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